Lafayette College has a variety of programs for supporting research activities that incorporate students.
November 1, 2024
Lafayette’s EXCEL Scholars Program enables high-performing students to assist faculty members with their scholarship. The purpose of the EXCEL Program is to encourage collaboration in learning between faculty and students. The work of the student must, therefore, be research-oriented and not administrative in its primary emphasis. EXCEL Scholars may work part-time during the academic year or full-time during the Summer and the Interim Session.
Participation in the EXCEL Program is an honor reserved for those students who have achieved distinction in their academic program at Lafayette. To be eligible as an EXCEL Scholar, students should have completed their first year at Lafayette and should maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0.
There is a streamlined process for Faculty members who have external funding to support Excel scholars. In addition to only needing to complete the beginning portion of the application above, ARC does not have a minimum GPA requirement for externally funded Excel Scholars.
After two years of piloting this program, the Academic Research Committee voted to make the Research Assistants program a regular form of support. Faculty members desiring research assistance, which does not rise to the stated level of Excel work, may apply to have short-term research assistant. As examples: data entry, translation work, information gathering, or technical assistance would all be considered reasonable tasks for a research assistant to undertake. Research Assistants will not be provided to faculty members that are working with Excel Scholars.
This program is intended to support student-initiated research (i.e., thesis and independent studies) rather than faculty research projects that involve student assistants (i.e., EXCEL). Its purpose is to help cover expenses that typically can not be covered by the departmental budget.
Students who have undertaken original research are eligible to apply for travel support up to $600 to present the results of their research at a professional meeting. (There is a separate process for students interested in presenting at the National Conference on Undergraduate Research.) Normally, departments are expected to pay the costs of conference registration, and students are expected to pay their own meal costs. In exceptional circumstances ARC may fund a student for two trips in an academic year (including NCUR).
Lafayette College has a long tradition of active participation in the National Conference on Undergraduate Research.