Prof. Mike Butler previously worked on eggshell pigment research with Melissa Homsher '14.

Prof. Mike Butler previously worked on eggshell pigment research with Melissa Homsher ’14.

Some species of birds lay eggs that are blue, and scientists at Lafayette are investigating why. By measuring both eggshell coloration and the amount of blue-green pigments in the eggshell, Mike Butler, assistant professor of biology, and Haleigh Waite ’16, have found that while the amount of blue-green pigment was indeed correlated with the eggshell’s color, other factors also substantially contribute to the eggshell’s coloration, such as eggshell thickness. Butler and Waite also found that the amount of blue-green pigment, but not eggshell coloration, correlated with aspects of egg quality. Thus, the molecules in the eggshell, rather than the eggshell’s color, may be an important factor associated with egg quality. The Journal of Avian Biology recently published a paper on Butler and Waite’s research findings.